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זהו אחד מרגעי ליל הבדולח ליהודים בתקופה זו / מנקודת מבט סינית

מאת בנג'מין פאנג/שנחאי
בלוג זה נכתב על ידי בנג'nין פאנג, איש עסקים סיני משנחאי. בנג'מין הוא המייסד של Israel Plan Organization, the NPO organization supporting and promoting Israel in China. בנג'מין מנהל קשרים עסקיים הדוקים עם ישראל מעל עשר שנים ובין היתר גם למד במשך שנתיים לתואר MBA באוניברסיטת רייכמן והתגורר בהרצליה. זוהי נקודת מבט של אזרח סיני המעורה היטב בחייה הכלכליים, הפוליטיים והחברתיים של מדינת ישראל וכך כמובן גם בצד שני בסין.

It’s Kristallnacht moment for Jews in this AI era


After 10 years of close watching of global Antisemitism and especially people’s attitude towards Israel in China, I believe that the Jews of the world especially in the western countries is close to the Kristallnacht moment!


The terrible overwhelming anti-Israel groups on the US campus are not far away from the young SS in Germany during WWII, by chanting “Intifada”, “Zionism is terrorism” “Jewish Genocide” “from River to the Sea”, they won lots of support from the Antisemitism and anti-Israel groups and ignorant people around the world, especially in China. 


In the last decades, we witnessed the first time that the anti-Jewish/Israel population is more than pro-Jewish/Israel.


As a non-profit Pro-Israel media organization running in China for more than 10 years, we got more than half million followers in China, but since the end of last year, we keep getting online attacks on our platform, we experienced the first time that attacks are more than supports, our website was also hacked and downed, and keep losing followers in the last few months, we got webchat attacks and threats on daily basis, we never ever could imagine this can happen in China and the rest of the world, but the situation in China is still better than some of western countries, since no such protest is allowed, everything is limited on the internet and social media.


This is a dangerous moment, it’s not better than Kristallnacht in the era of AI-based social media, it will instill the hatred in many people including those ex-Israel-supporters, and more importantly plant worrisome seeds in many non-immune AI large models, just imagine if the machine-learning AI language models learn about this movement like the ignorant people perceive, it will be a disaster to create billions of virtual Antisemites and anti-Israel activists for the next decades.


There must be measurements taken to reverse this worrisome and alarming trend, counter protesting is not enough, I call on all the level-headed people who are concerned about this situation to think what you can do as an individual or as an organization, how to protect the humanity and uphold righteousness, how to teach the next generation about these controversial topics, how to avoid the approaching tragedies to happen again, how to create bases and plant moral seeds around the globe for the real peace and love.


Actions must be taken before it’s too late!


הובא לדפוס על ידי דורון ניב CRG